1. Introduction
Anyone who intends to browse the www.lisar.it website is subject to the General Terms of Use reported in the following document. (From now on General Terms of Use and ww.Lisar.it will be shortened respectively in “Terms of use” and “Website”). The access and use of the website represent the unconditional reception of the Terms of Use. The user who doesn’t intend to agree to the Terms of use should quit browsing the website.
Anyone who enters the website, implicitly agrees not to use the website and the information it contains for illicit purposes or in any case against the legislation in force. Terms of Use can be modified anytime by Lisar S.p.A., without prior announcement. The user is kindly asked to review the conditions periodically before accessing to the content of the website.
The access and use of the website after any change, represent the unconditional reception of the amended Terms of Use. Specific terms and conditions related to goods or services offered in the website pages will prevail on the current Terms of use.
2. Content of the website
Lisar S.p.A. official website, www.lisar.it, is an on-line information portal that enables to be informed about the Lisar world; one of the purposes of the website is to give an overview on the main promotional and commercial activity of Lisar S.p.A., on the products and services offered and the concerning modality of use. Each content of the website (news, photos, videos, sounds, brands, logos, names with a domain, software, graphic layout, applications, technical documentation, etc.) and every right connected are reserved, and can be consulted exclusively for personal use. any other use it’s strictly forbidden, without Lisar S.p.A.’s written permission.
What www.lisar.it offers to users
Links connected to third subjects and companies belonging to Lisar S.p.A., can be found in the website. The only purpose of ipertextual links is to ease the browsing without giving any connection between the content of www.lisar.it and other websites.
Please note that Lisar S.p.A. can not affect the structure of connecting links, or verify the accuracy of materials or/and information contained.
Specific terms and conditions found on connecting sites will prevail on the current Terms of use.
3. Intellectual and industrial property rights
All contents included in www.lisar.it is protected by the legislation in force concerning author’s rights and industrial property. Any extraction or reuse, as well as any other operation that could damage authors’s legal interest, are strictly forbidden unless specifically authorized by Lisar S.p.A..
The website and its content can be used for personal purposes only, either for research or didactic reasons. Any direct or indirect commercial purpose is strictly forbidden. In any case, the name of the owner of the rights must be always specified, and the content must be never modified.
For example, here below the user will find a non-exhaustive list of what “website content” means:
- Texts
- Photos
- Videos
- Databases
- Plans and charts
- Slogan
- Audio file
- Animated or non-animated drawings
- Each graphic and/or text file in general It's not possible to copy and/or duplicate the website content, in whole or in part, without Lisar S.p.A.’s written permission.
In the meantime, it’s specified that Lisar S.p.A. is the exclusive owner (with exception of what stated in the following section) of every brand, name with domain, company and logo present on the website. Therefore it’s strictly forbidden any copy without Lisar S.p.A.’s written permission.
Registration of Lisar S.p.A. trademark in any top level domain it’s also forbidden. Brands, names with a domain, Company names of third subjects collaborating with Lisar S.p.A., could be found in the website: all of them are as protected as Lisar S.p.A. by the legislation in force.
The use of any distinctive sign owned by Lisar S.p.A. is strictly forbidden, like the use of metatags (i.e. any HTML command that gives instructions to other electronic agents or web search engines to increase the visibility of a website that is not linked to Lisar S.p.A., even if it doesn’t involve the visualization or the formatting of a certain command)
4. How to use www.lisar.it
Lisar S.p.A. states that the contents of the website cannot be copied, republished, uploaded, transcribed or distributed in any way or form without Lisar S.p.A.’s written permission, except for prints, downloads and visualizations for personal and not commercial use, provided that the given contents aren’t modified and that every information concerning the intellectual and industrial right of property is maintained. Website’s contents cannot be distributed through communication channels, such as Internet webs, television or radio systems, or any other channel, without Lisar S.p.A.’s written permission. Information and any other contents of the website cannot be used for commercial purposes to create databases of any kind or genre , also cannot be filed in pre-existent databases, accessible by the founder or third subjects.Anyone who enters the website, implicitly agrees not to use the website and the information it contains for illicit purposes or in any case against the legislation in force. Terms of Use can be modified anytime by Lisar S.p.A., without prior announcement. The user is kindly asked to review the conditions periodically before accessing to the content of the website.
The access and use of the website after any change, represent the unconditional reception of the amended Terms of Use. Specific terms and conditions related to goods or services offered in the website pages will prevail on the current Terms of use.
5. Linking e Framing
It is strictly forbidden to create links to www.lisar.it’s first page (or Home Page) or any other website page without Lisar S.p.A.’s written permission.
Anyway, in case of a real interest to create a link with the Home Page, it’s necessary to send a request by email to info@lisar.it, in which the followings must be specified :
(a) personal data of the person in charge of the technical parts of the website where the link to the Home Page will appear (email address and telephone number included);
(b) Company data;
(c) website address where the link will appear;
(d) any other useful information to obtain Lisar S.p.A.’s permission.
Any specific link that permits to address the user to an internal page without going through the Home Page (“deep linking”) is strictly forbidden, as well as “inline linking” which permits to visualize the images of the website automatically in a specific space.
“Framing” links that permits to visualize a specific website’s page inside the “frame” of another site (and not into an independent browser window), are also forbidden.
For this reason, any violation of what stated until now, is prosecutable by the legislation in force, even for unfair competition.
6. Warranty exclusion and respondibility limitation
Contents published on the Website only have general information purposes.
Lisar S.p.A. does not give any guarantee concerning the completeness and accuracy of the contents, that can be modified without prior announcement. Lisar S.p.A. will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage (loss of profit included) resulting from the use or impossibility of use of the website and its contents (direct or indirect links included) , as well as omissions or errors.
7. Separability
In case one of the clauses given in the GENERAL TERMS OF USE is considered illegal, invalid, or ineffective, such clause will be considered separable from the other clauses, without undermine the validity and efficacy of the remaining dispositions.
8. Applicable regulation and competent court
These GENERAL TERMS OF USE are subject to Italian legislation (exception made for conflict of laws regulations), with exception for users that benefit of different, national or international, laws.
9. Company data
Lisar S.p.A.
Via Boccaccio 68/72
20070 Carbonate (CO)
Email: info@lisar.it
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